Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tonight I begin to close a chapter that has been 5 years in process...

Tonight I begin training my successor as treasurer and church bookkeeper.

I remember 5 years ago when I was the rookie, the one in training.  I began what I believed was a mutual love/hate relationship with Simply Accounting (which I can honestly say I now love much more than hate) and began the journey into bookkeeping.  I had no formal training, the church I was then employed by took the risk on a kid like me and we learned together.  

When I made the difficult decision to resign that position, taking the leap of faith moving to Medicine Hat, I was hired just a few months later as the church bookkeeper.  Again I was the trainee, but this time it was much less stressful having at least a little bit of a sniff of what I was doing!  This time I was writing cheques and entering data on my "own time", not as part of my 8-5 work day.  It proved to have it's challenges, scheduling this between dating the love of my life and hockey and then wedding planning... and more hockey... but we have made it fit.  

And now as I stand on the edge of this new season , I can honestly say that although I have enjoyed it, I am looking forward to closing this chapter.  I`m looking forward to being free of the deadlines and not taking work with me on road trips :)  It will certainly be a change getting to the middle of the month and not writing payroll cheques, but nonetheless it`s a change that I embrace.  

 I have been very blessed to serve two congregations doing the administrative work that I love...Who knows, maybe at some point in the future an opportunity to serve in this capacity will be made available to me again.  So on that note I won`t end this chapter with a final ``good-bye``, but rather ``until next time``...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

a stay at home something...

A few years ago, I came across a scrapbooking layout that left a very deep footprint on my heart...

The creator of this particular design had created a page all about herself - which if you are a scrapbooker, you know almost never happens, your pages are always about all the other special people and events in your life!  As part of the layout she had described several things about herself, but it was what she listed as her "dream job" that has captured my heart:

DREAM JOB:  I want to be a "stay-at-home-something" so I can be creative every day

You know when you have one of the AH HA! moments where something inside you just "clicks"?  That is exactly what happened for me as I read this.  As a kid I had lofty dreams of a prestigious career, however the older I get, the more I just want to be a great wife and someday a very cool mom.  And as I re-read this woman's dream job, I said, "That's it.  That's exactly what I want to be."
I want to be a "stay-at-home-something" where I can be creative every day.  I'd love to have my scrapbooking pages and cards creations published...I'd love to be at home so I could create more in our kitchen...I'd love to be able to do a little bookkeeping on the side to keep that part of my brain sharp... I'd love to be at home more and feel like I have more time to love on the people that mean so much to me...I'd love to be able to contribute to a family income doing the creative things that make me smile... 

Maybe it's this bone-chilling winter weather that stirs the embers of this passion again... Someday I will have a business card and it will say: 
amber scott: a stay-at-home-something

But for today I choose to be grateful that I have a great job and dream of the day that I can design those business cards  :)