Tuesday, March 8, 2011


There have been some rather heated days at work in the past number of weeks.  I have been at this job nearly three years, and don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy my job and I'm definitely not planning on going anywhere. However, this slightly rough patch has driven home one very important fact: my attitude in any given situation is key.  I'm not responsible for how the other person reacts but I am very much responsible for my reactions.  And I have been reminded once again that my attitude can either diffuse a heated moment or escalate it faster than I can blink.

I wanted some kind of visual in my office as a reminder to keep my attitude in check, and I came across this quote:
Attitudes are contagious... is mine worth catching?
I definitely want to have a positive influence in my work place....
and my attitude is the perfect place to start....

A couple of shots taken our first time hiking the West Coast Trail...
Those 77kms were ALL about your attitude!

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