Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Few Additions to the Dirt...

At the beginning of the planting season, my dad gave me a great piece of advice:
"Watch the greenhouses at the end of their selling seasons.  Sometimes they will clear out their left overs really cheap just to get rid of the last of their inventory. Some years I've bought those plants and with a little TLC they have been the nicest plants in my garden."

Up until this past Thursday I have done a very good job of staying away from the greenhouses.  You see, if nurtured, I think I would have a serious addiction to buying flowers.  However, I had Thursday evening all to myself as Justin had already gone out to the lake that afternoon with Doug & Sandy.  {I had to work on Friday so I couldn't meet up with them until after work} So I was curious just when this "clearance" might happen.  Well I wandered into Canadian Tire and found myself in the middle of discount heaven!  

I was so proud of myself when I walked out of there about a half hour later with more than enough plants to fill in all the bare spots in our flowerbeds... all for only $11.76!!! Many of the plants were 25 cents, the perennials were 50 cents and the most expensive pots were the geraniums at a whopping $1 lol! If I had paid full price for everything, the bill would have likely been at least $80 or more!  I spent the rest of the evening planting until it was too dark to see the dirt.  Some of those plants are already taking root and flowering... sigh...I think I should live someplace where I could garden all year long :)

The front flower bed before the new additions

A few close ups of some of my faves :)
They are a rag tag group of plants...but with a little TLC I know they will be amazing!

The back bed BEFORE (left) and AFTER (right) 
(left pics) a few of them had already started to bloom by the time we got home on Sunday!
(the small plants on either side of the petunia)
(right) the Virginia Creeper has really just taken off... can't wait till it's completely covered and green!
(I can't believe how much things have grown since my last post Some Dirt of Our Own! Love, love, love it!)

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